
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Free Bird!

Sparrow is home from the hospital everyone! Yay! She had her echo done yesterday and then got to fly away home to her momma and papa's nest. Happy doesn't begin to describe the feeling her family has right now! Thank you for all the prayers and love you sent their way. I'll be seeing little birdy love on Thursday and promise to try and include some pics. Muah! Thank you loves. Little sweet Sparrow gets to celebrate her first Christmas at home with her family! I love miracles like this.


  1. That is so amazing she gets to be home with her family on her first Christmas. She's a fighter and I know many people were mighty in prayer over this child recently. I hope that she continues to improve everyday! She looks like such a sweet precious girl! I love her name!

  2. Praise God!!! She is so beautiful!

  3. Wonderful :) we said a prayer for sweet Sparrow.


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