
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Once I Was A Dready Momma

Did I wake up planning on cutting fringe for my face? Not in the least. Beka came over around 9:30 am for a spontaneous "watch a girly movie while in our loungies." Our faces were absent of make up and we had hot apple cider to warm our tummies as we curled up with vintage afghans on my big leather couch. Little Women was the movie of choice. It was simply fabulous.

Beks left after a few hours of talking and movie time. She was off to get ready for work. I, to get ready for the rest of my momma day. Káel fell asleep and I went to put my tresses up. I had taken my dreads out a few days before. I was ready to have my curls back, and so was my man. Sam loved my dreads but he also missed running his fingers through my curls.

I looked in the mirror and suddenly had the urge to cut my bangs. I got a pair of scissors and snip snipped away. As I was cutting I could hear myself in the distance of sanity asking myself, "Um...Jess, what are you doing? Wanna talk about this?" But before I listened to the voice of reason I held in my palm a handful of my hair. I looked in the mirror and said eek.

This is the pic I sent to Beka right after I did it.

Sam likes the fringe. He thinks they are girly and cute. I was nervous when he drove up from work, having no idea what I had done. I have been having fun with them and just having normal hair in general back.

One nice thing is that I cut them in such a way where I can still throw a head wrap on and maintain my pile and pin look. I'll always be able to say I was a dready prego and momma with locks.

Perhaps next summer I'll go all dreads again. ;)

I left my little dread hemp wrap in. The one I put in when I was around 2 months prego. I't my mommy lock. :)


  1. Too cute! My hair is definitely not thick enough to pull that off! But you look super classy!

    P.S. Check out our new blog! =)


  2. LOVE the fringe... SO cute!

  3. thank you ladies! i didn't know if i could maintain my more hippie than vintage look with these...but i'm thinking i can. we'll see. :)

  4. ok, pardon my curiosity. =) how do you take out dreads? i always thought they were, you know, permanent? =P enlighten me!

  5. Oh so sweet! You rock that look! :) Love that you kept one dread. My sister and I watched Little Women on Saturday night!!! I love your leaf headband too - as much as I love keys, I might also love leaves!!! :) :) :)

  6. if they are put in well with the crochet or backcomb method and you maintain them with the right products such as knotty boy dread care you can have them combed takes a while but it is possible. or if you have dreaded extensions and you can just have them taken out. :) if you do a homemade dread job-MUCH more difficult to take out-almost impossible.

  7. aw thanks annie! ya, i put it in to mark my journey into mommy-hood and i LOVE that movie! i got that headband at urban outfitters...and yes you should totally love leaves. they are one of my favorite things ever. :)

  8. oh, that totally makes sense. thanks for the explanation. =)

    btw, love the new fringe! looks great on you.

  9. I LOVE them - so cute! I cut bangs this weekend too - and I'm 8 months pregnant. I'm running out of different outfits to wear, so I felt like I needed some excitement in my lock life.

  10. I cut my bangs this weekend too...My didn't turn out as cute as yours. I guess that's what I get for cutting them RIGHT before I ran out the door!

  11. You look adorable! Thanks for the dread removal explanation, I was so confused when you said that you took them out. I was always afraid of them because I thought you had to ruin your hair to have them. So glad that I am now enlightened :)

  12. I love the fringe! I recently got bored one evening and cut myself a fringe too. I subsequently hate it and am growing it out. (I never learn, I do this at least once every two years!)

    It looks fabulous on you, shiny hair you have!

  13. Ps. I LOVE your top! Where is it from?

  14. You look great! I like the fringe! And little women is the best movie of all time. : )

  15. i LOVE the bangs!! they look so cute and frame your face perfectly. i have curly hair and i just cut my bangs like that the other day. small world!

  16. I too have the tendency to sporadically cut my hair- leave me alone in a room for a few minutes with a pair of scissors on the right day and I might just have a new look by the time you get back- but I think there's something so cathartic about cutting your own hair, and especially doing so on a whim. Sometimes you get inspired and to actually act on impulse gives such a great sense of instant gratification. It's like, "hmm I wonder what I'd look like with bangs... welp, let's find out!"
    They look fantastic on you by the way. I can see you rockin' all kinds of looks with your new do. :)


  17. So cute! Sometimes impulse serves well : )

  18. I think your bangs look great!!

  19. awww thanks loves! mandy-i wished we lived closer so we could have a movie night!

  20. hi there pretty lady! dig your blog here!

    Lots of love to youuu and that cute cute little baby of yours!!

    HuGs ~~

  21. Great job with the bangs! I love them.

    Also, I wanted to add your button to my page, but I can't find the html code. (sorry if it's obvious. i probably wouldn't know what html looked like if it bit me.)

  22. I love the bangs! They look great on you! I do have a question about them...

    What do you use to straighten them? I too have very curly hair...and a side swept fringe...
    I often have trouble trying to get mine to look right, I've tried flat ironing mine, but that doesn't exactly go over well :/ other ideas?

    By the way...your baby is absolutely adorable! (^_^)


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