
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mornin' Sunshine

Yesterday morning was like a sweet kiss blown my way. I woke up, fed little Forest boy, who then was completely out afterwards. The morning sunshine was temptingly peaking through the closed blinds in our bedroom. I rolled out of bed and put him down so that he could get some extra snoozes. I grabbed one of Sam's flannel shirts, my guitar, a blanket, some spiced apple cider and headed outside. My back porch was my cathedral. All the woods were towering over me and surrounding me like a big room. The light was coming through all the colored leaves and made me feel like I was looking up at a stained glass ceiling. For 3 hours I wrote some new tunes and sipped on cider. I sang with the birds and felt so very alive as the the crisp air made me curl up a little tighter in my blanket. Occasionally, I crept back inside to see both my boys utterly exhausted and deep in dream land. I would sneak back out to my haven of Jess-ness and smile. It was so glorious. You need alone time every once in a while, specially when you are a mom. Time to just listen and think.

Later that morning I skyped my mom and had the best time showing her new songs, planning for the holidays and sharing my heart. Káel woke up and I brought him outside to feed him, then laid him on the big porch swing with me. He giggled, and made noises as he looked all over the place at the light. Samuel joined me and we planned our day. It was a perfect morning for me.

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  1. How amazing when we have those kisses from God!
    Savor the moments and cherish the memories!

  2. heaven... you have just described heaven on earth. love that you were able to share all of that wonderfulness with your Mom. I know how much you both miss each other. Can't wait to hear some of those songs too!

  3. oh my goodness those leaves are absolutely beautiful! I love mornings that are totally for the Lord and from Him : )

  4. Beautiful!
    I love the bangs, I am tempted to cut mine again!

  5. I voted for you again :) These pictures are so pretty. Thank you for sharing your beautiful morning with us. xo

  6. I'm diggin' the bangs and who can resist sweet baby tootsies?

  7. You have a very cool life. Love the fall colors, what a view!

  8. absolutely beautiful! what sweet pictures of Kael :)


  9. You really captured my favorite season with your latest blogs. I love your photography. I forget to take my camera out half the time! Tisk tisk on me!

  10. You are a beautiful girl, with a beautiful spirit!

  11. awwwwwwwww... he is soooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!




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