
Monday, November 1, 2010

Gilty Goodies

I did it again...I raided the baby boy's section on the Gilt Group. My little adventurer will have some amazing duds...once again. (This whole outfit can be layered altogether if need be, love it.)

I have some neato posts coming up this week.
Pics from our costume party, style pics of the crew, some goodies that we've gotten in the mail and news of a new feature I'm thinking of adding to the blog that helps us ladies interact more on a personal level.

Today we are having a play day with 2 of my momsies, and 2 of Káel's little buddies, the lovely
Kristina, her daughter Adoration and Lauren with her cutie pie, Dashel (who we affectionately call "Dash"). We will be off to the park with babies and quilts in tote. Stories to follow. I'm so excited!

Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!


  1. aww love what you got! yay for sons! <3

  2. Voted again :) Are those leaves in your ears? Can't wait to see your baby in plaid! :) :) :)

  3. Voted again. Also I love your new header!

  4. Hi!! I've posted a comment before (asking about your UppaBaby Vista stroller) and when I was looking on etsy, I immediately thought of you when I came across this:
    Check it out!! They are SO adorable!!
    Love looking at your blog!!


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