
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day In The Park

Káel and I went out for a play day with my friends Lauren, her little boys Oliver and Dash as well as Kristina and her little sweetie Adoration.

I've been finding myself looking forward so much to days like this where I can get Káel and I out with our friends for play dates.

I think one of my favorite things about our outing was watching Oliver, who is about to have his 3rd birthday. He would romp around the fields holding sticks high up in the air like pirate swords. He is all boy and I realized how much so as I went to go play with him under a tree. I found him there with his barefooted toes and fingers dug in in the dirt, searching for treasures. I started taking a few pics of him. He stuck a rock in his mouth, showed me another amazing stick. THEN, as I'm looking through my lens, trying to focus on his fingers I notice something he had found. I couldn't tell what it was. I looked up. "What is that Oliver?" I started to ask. As he started to put it into his mouth, I realized what it was. Seeing the shock on my face, he stopped its journey to his taste buds and jabbered to me what he thought it was. It was a grub worm he unearthed. He proceeded to look back down at it, pull it apart into two pieces. Then, rub the rest between his hands. It happened so fast, my mouth was open. I laughed SO hard. He laughed to. Not because he knew why, but because I was. HA! The next moment he was running off over the hill, to his next discovery. Boys. I can't wait until Káel comes up to me, covered in dirt, bringing me one of his treasures. <3

Dash on the left and Adoration on the right

Kristina and Adoration

We spread out our quilts and sprawled out our babies.

Oh, lovely Lauren.
Yep, that's a rock in his mouth! haha Right before the grub worm.
Our spot on the hill at the park. These girls are so incredible women and amazing mommies.

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  1. Aw what a sweet sweet day. Can't wait to take my own babies to the park... one day... Long time from now :) Adoration has gorgeous hair!

  2. These kids are so stinkin' cute!!! P.s. I LOVE the new header!

  3. Love the hair. I had a couple of mohawk babies in the family too. Your style, is awesome and natural. I like it.

  4. isn't her hair the cutest! i love it!

    thanks mandy-this was a very spontaneous picture that we didn't even think would turn out and it's become one of my favs.

    thank you much rebecca! :)


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