
Friday, November 12, 2010

Bath Time

Sam took some pics of me giving little Forest man a bath, which he loves. Usually, I put him in the bath with me, but this time I wanted to give his little "baby bath" a try. He loves water. He started kicking up a storm and once he realized that when he kicked it made a splash, he seemed to kick even more. It was tons of warm bubbles and lots of smiles. I love giving him a bath! It's SO fun to actually see the emotion of enjoyment on his face. A lot of times, I'll hold him in the water in a way that makes him feel like he is floating. With his arms floating all over the place, he just smiles and makes cute little talky noises.

My little guy has been melting my heart more and more this week. I didn't think more was possible. But, my little man always always seems to find undiscovered spots inside my heart that are made for him to melt. His interaction level has skyrocketed the last 10 days, which has made it even more fun than usual to have bath time! I've been trying to give him baths in the evening because it seems to relax him for bedtime. He's only cried once during a bath time and that was his very first one. All the others have been a blast.

After his bath, I put his new jammies from, "Life Is Good". The moment I put the little bottoms on him, he instantly started staring at his legs and cooing. All the little owls printed on the fabric were fascinating to him. After he was all dry and dressed, we headed in to the living room for a time of hanging with Sam. He enjoyed his new teething ring and smiled himself to sleep.

Oh, and did I mention that I have been obsessed with his little cheeks. I can't stop kissing them.

Hey, I want to take a sec and thank all of you lovelies who have enjoyed following our little adventurous journey these past months. Your comments are a joy to me and your support means so much to my heart. Thank you so, so much.


  1. Oh he is so precious! Look at him looking at his legs! :) xo

  2. It's been a joy reading! I know God has blessed you with this family, & I love reading about it :)

  3. You both look so happy! I love it. : )

  4. He looks sooo comfy in those jammies!! :) They are super cute!! I've found that little boys are the BEST for cheek kisses too!! C:

  5. Oh so sweet!
    This brings back good memories of when I would bathe my babies!
    They are all grown now of course, but it's always nice to remember those times!
    The pictures are beautiful and the jammies so cute!

  6. what a cute post! gotta love baby baths :)

  7. He is so adorable. I love taking baths with my little one too :)

  8. Bath time, I loved bath time. After a busy day, some quite play time floating around in the bathtub always tends to calm them down. Then clean jammies and a little time with mom and dad before bed. Nice

  9. Ummm.. I can't wait until God blesses me with a cute little family.

  10. You are making me so excited for my little bean to enter the world in June! Bath time sure looks like fun for your little man. Maybe this has something to do with being in the water for so long during labor?! you never know :)

  11. His pjs are just too cute! you're such a sweet momma :)

  12. i love bath time with my four-year-old little man, henry. and i'm sure once ezra gets here in 3 or so short weeks, i'll devour him alive during those wiggly, wet bathing moments. i wish we had a tub that the entire family could fit in, ya know? the pictures in this post are fantastic, and i love his owl jammies. you are one beautiful familiy, jess. i'm so happy i found your wonderful blog.

  13. Hi!

    My name is Lacey and a friend of mine sent me the video of your proposal. I just wanted to say you have inspired me so much. Your relationship with the Lord is so admirable. You seem so freed by God and your joyfulness was infectious. I hope to become more like that through his amazing grace.

  14. how frickin cute is your little man? I love his name. I love bath time and asa;sdfkj;dfkasd;fad we are in love with owls here at our house!!!! My kings nursery is in owls!! Oh my heck you have to tell me where you got this. I will buy it for future babies to come.

    I am now following you and i'm going to add your banner under "blogs we love" on my blog.

    Can't wait to read more about your cute little fam.


  15. Hey Jess!
    Wow he's growing up so fast, our little girl Eden loved baths too, I think it reminds them of being in our tummy :O)
    Hope you don't mind me asking, I was wondering where you got your dreads from? I've been wanting some for ages but being in Australia options are limited. Do they have an online store??
    Love your blog, I found it after watching your beautiful wedding highlights on you tube, which by the way made me bawl!

  16. hey mellie! i don't mind at all girl! if you go to i got them from the lady who runs the dread salon. her name is solah. :) hope that helps love.

  17. he is so handsome, i have a 5 month old and he Loves bathtime too, it seems they are so smart. and you are right about the heartmelting-ness. we go to SF for another surgery, wish us luck:)


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