
Monday, October 18, 2010



Soapie Skyes sent us some of their FOR REAL All Natural baby lavender baby wash recently and we love it! We couldn't wait to try it out during bath time. It smells very soft, is calming and isn't overpowering. One plus I really appreciated was that it is gentle on his skin and is tear free!

Not only did they send us a bottle to try out but they are sponsoring a giveaway! So, if you would like some fantastically amazing ALL NATURAL baby wash plus a Boho Baby Bump surprise for Mommy, all you have to do is simply:

1. Leave a comment below

We will shout who won from the blog rooftops on Friday!

Send us a smile by voting for us on Top Baby Blogs!
Just click twice, once a day on the brown banner below!


  1. I've not heard of this brand..but I'm all about natural products, and who doesn't love lavender?! I'd love to try this for my little girl (due in Jan!)

  2. Hey there...thought i would finally comment(cause hey there is a prize!). Been reading quietly for a while and have a sweet boy of my own born the day before yours.

  3. Heyyyyy! I should win this because...

    1. I have skin.
    2. I like your blog.
    3. My baby has skin.
    4. She likes your blog.
    5. We both need a bath and could use some encouragement! ;)

    6. I love free things.

    anna & isabel.

  4. I've been looking for natural baby care products for my little one (who won't be here until early spring)... This is such an exciting giveaway, thanks to you and to Soapie Skyes!

  5. Would love this for my little munchkaloo.

  6. i'd love to try this! plus i really need some, too. i am due in like 2 and a half weeks and would love to start this new little one out on some fancy soaps.... not the plain walmart brand i've been using on all my other kiddos... :)

  7. I would love to try this!

    Heather S.

  8. Ooh I would love this for my little girly. We have been using only baking soda and natural soap grated and mixed together- something special and scentsy just for her would be such a treat.

  9. that stuff looks wonderful and very soothing for baby! great giveaway and such a blessing to read your blog and follow your family's journey

  10. I would love to try this out. I am due on the 25th.

  11. Sweet! I would love to add this to my stash--We are in the process of adopting. We can't control this kiddo's pre-birth environment, but we sure as heck can be as natural as possible once they're born!

  12. This is my first baby, I'm due January 25th. I have been looking for products like this, all natural ones that will be good for my little girl! :)

  13. Jemma would love to give this a try!

  14. Oooo nice! I love all natural stuff!

  15. I absolutely love Lavender! And being natural is such a huge bonus. Nothing like natural products for our natural, precious babes! Thanks for the chance Jess. And as always, I love your blog!!

  16. I just discovered your site and I LOVE it! My little 7 month old chunker would smell delicious after using this shampoo for sure.

  17. I'd love to try this out because I JUST FOUND OUT I'M PREGNANT!

  18. would love for my 5 month old to smell oh so yummy.

  19. I have loved following your blog. I am a 13 days overdue with a little boy myself. I bought lavender massage oil for labor and delivery as it is my favorite scent. I am hoping to have my little baby by Wednesday night (I have to be induced)and would LOVE the all natural lavender baby wash!

  20. Love and miss you Jessica! I've loved following your blog and keeping up with your happy little family. If you can believe it, Hannah is 4 and Caleb is 18 months!!! O how time flies! Enjoy every precious moment. And when things are crazy and you're stressed, just remember...this too shall pass! Love ya! ~Amy

  21. Hi! I wrote a comment earlier, "Amanda R." I don't know if you have a way to contact me if I win:

  22. I love your baby blog and love this giveaway! Hope I win :) Lavender is my favorite scent!

  23. I'd love to try this product! I love your blog, by the way. I found it when your birth story was posted and have enjoyed reading since.

  24. love your blog! and i love lavender!!!

  25. I need a "wow factor" to get my mother to quit using Johnson and Johnson on my baby! (grr) She'd love this and my son will. He loves lavender flowers (he's a big purple fan and I encourage it)

  26. Jess!!! you are so amazing. i love reading your blog, and getting a glimpse into the amazingness of what GOD is doing in your life, through you and now in the life of little forest man :)

  27. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog and I can't get enough of it. Can't wait to read more.

  28. This sounds FANTASTIC!!! And I would love to try it on my little princess!!! ;)


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