
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We have a lovely sponsor who is offering a fabulous Petunia Pickle Bottom clutch from the Cake collection as a giveaway on Boho Baby Bump! I myself just received a Petunia Pickle Bottom bag as a gift and am in love with the practicality and the chic-ness of it all. Their Cake collection reminds me of the old, classy carpet bags that have that yummy vintage feel. I know one of you ladies would love to carry those diapers around with some extra chic love.

So, here's what ya do to enter:

Leave a comment and tell me why your heart so desires this mommy style trinket of necessity.
You can leave a comment once a day to increase your odds of gaining this slice of cake. ;)

I will declare the winner on Monday morning!

Do we make you smile? Please give us a click and vote below to let us know! :)
Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!


  1. i want this! i definitely need this bundle of mommy-stylin' goodness because i am making a conscious effort to up my fashion sense. i have historically been a jeans, tank, hoodie, & flip flops kinda girl, which just doesn't work when you have a super cute little clutch like this one. i'm pretty sure this clutch would change my life. yup.

  2. That is so gorgeous! You can never have too many bags! =D

  3. Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! I LOVE Petunia Pickle Bottom! I DROOL over their diaper bags, wishing for a baby just so I can say that I NEED one! And I will NEED one one day! I promise! For now though, a clutch will fit nicely in my life :) :) :) So excited!!!

  4. I think its a great giveaway! I would LOVE to win it please, I only have 1 bag thats filled with my babies things, and have to carry the heavy load every run we go to. So a clutch would be great for the quick errand or park excursion.

  5. Oh my... I LOVE this bag!!! I reeeaaaaally need it because they don't even sell Petunia Pickle Bottom in New Zealand and I think it'd be great to start a new trend!! ; >

  6. ahh! those colors! that texture! i love it.

  7. oh my goodness. I have been wanting one of these forever! I love PPB bags! I bought one for my baby due in January but this would help mommy to feel special and fancy too :)

  8. oh my word. i wish i could get on here everyday and leave a comment to up my chances of winning. but i just dont have a big explanation as to why i so need this bag besides i just love these bags ,but have no money to buy them. i also love the old carpet bags. and kinda collect old clutches and other accesories. but i just saw this and it was like "ooooooooooh i so want to carry you everywhere i go" hahahhaha wierd. anyways love ya jess! -wee (the one who cut your hair in california)

  9. i dont have a diaper bag yet.. my new son and i were in the hospital for two months after his birth. He was born with CDH, i would adore this....i am always using those cloth grocerie bags.. :) i didnt have a baby shower. its so cute!

  10. This bag is lovely and elegant without trying too hard, as a mom of two boys I could use some lovely in my attire to balance out the spit up. :)

  11. I love their collection... baby due in May. Although I hope no one reads this from my family till after this weekend when we tell them :) Ha

  12. Would love this. I too love the vintage carpet look. Very awesome giveaway!

  13. I need this clutch!!! I have the cake society diaper bag for babe and I def need a slice for myself! Their bags are beautiful! Pick me!!

  14. Holy. Moly. I wig! I've had my eye on these lovelies! Send a pre-adoptive mommy some good vibes in the form of this cluth? Please?

  15. Umm, no babies for me yet, but I would absolutely love this as a wonderful reminder of my future little babes. Also, it is definitely my vintage style. :-)

  16. Yessssss Pleeeaaaaseee!

    I've been in desperate need of a new diaper bag for awhile now - this one would be beyond perfect with its girly chic vibe. I can just imagine still feeling "pulled together" carrying this around after the 3rd day of having to pull my hair bag in a pony tail because I haven't gotten the chance to do my hair for a week =)

  17. I love love love it! I have 5 kids and am in the procesd of adopting a beautiful boy with autism, which will give me four special needs 3 year olds. I treasure every mommy moment, and I love having something cute just for myself once in a while. Love your blog!

  18. I need this because I got a bag from old navy to use as a diaper bag and the zipper broke, then I ordered one online and it is so HUGE It's hard to carry everywhere. So this is the PERFECT solution!! The size, the color, everything. (And I have been drooling over the cake collection for a long time now, so I would fully appreciate it's beauty. AND I would be so excited about this I'd blast it on my blog! AND I'm getting a haircut (1st since pregnancy) and trying to up my style and this would be the perfect functional accessory ! So there! :)

  19. Awww, I've been eyeballing this collection forever!! Please Please Please pick me!!!

  20. oohhh, love it! would make a lovely diaper bag for my sweet little girl...

  21. Petunia Pickle Bottom is my fav, fav, fav!!! I absolutely LOVE the color and style of this bag and it will match the colors of the season so well!!! I need a smaller bag for quick outings and trips to the store, because right now I drag my big bag everywhere we go. Did I mention that I love your blog??? :)

  22. That is so adorable! I would love to win this, can help spice up my mundane daily outfits :)

  23. Been drooling over this since my first pregnancy. We've just never had the funds. Oh man, I'll be here EVERY DAY mama!

  24. This is adorable! It would go a long way to sprucing up any wardrobe...which every mom needs help doing!

  25. Ohh I adore this! I would definitely need to get a matching diaper bag when our little bean arrives in June :)

  26. It's so BEAUTIFUL! I love the vintage look, displaying my favorite colors. It reminds me of walking through the mossy woods by the waterfalls in Redding where so much creativity is released and inspired! Such good memories of life, God, and falling in love<3 <3 <3

  27. Everything about this bag is gorgeous! I would love to sport it =]

  28. Oh my gosh, SOOO cute! I want this because I am so "blah" when it comes to fashion and this would really step it up for me! :)

  29. Oh my word! I am due in April and could definitely use this gorgeous bag to help me feel like a classy stylish Mom!

  30. I don't have a baby, but I would love to be a good little sister and enter to win my sister Daava who had a baby girl (Ileana) this July. She has been a hard working Mommy, and allows her hubby to stay home with their little girl. Her blog is
    After she's done with it, she can hand it down to my other sister (Tiffany) who hopefully in due time will have some exciting news for our family. It's been a hard year for Tiffany and her family, due tp the loss of their son/brother (Justice) who passed away due to complications of prematurity, but God blessed us with 1 1/2 years of Justice being in out family. You can find her story at
    One day when it's my turn maybe I could inhereit this adorable gift, when it is my turn to adopt the title of Mom. Until then I would love to donsonetging sweet for both of my amazing big sisters. Thanks! Donella Mills

  31. Grandmas need a little boho chic, too! Love, love, love <3 <3 <3

  32. I am in love with this collection from the brand and have been eyeballing one of these weekly since we decided to adopt in May. I LOVE the Cake collection and know Baby M's cute cloth diapers would look great in it!

  33. Yes please!!! I would like this because 1) it's fabulous and 2) the sheer amount of pre-baby buying decisions is stressing me out - a gift would be freaking awesome and be one less thing to worry about.
    =) Thank you!

  34. So my little man Beck and I currently don't have anything quite as chic as this bag... and any cool mama knows that having chic baby things is super important! :) Would love, love, love this!!! and so would baby Beck, he told me! ;)

  35. If I had a cute clutch such as this I might have some motivation to get dressed up instead of my current staple ... leggings, tees and ponytails :)

  36. You don't have to post this, but I just got a chance to read what I wrote, and could only see what I typed to a certain point because I typed my entry via iPhone. (I couldn't see anything after I started typing about my sister Tiffany.) So I apologize for the typos! Thanks for your great BLOG! Donella. :)

  37. I love PPB. I am currently saving for one of the society satchels and this would be the perfect accessory to hold me over until I can save the $200.00+ dollars to buy it.


  38. a) your blog has inspired me to pick up (soon!) where i left off on our blog last year (sigh.)
    b) our little bambino will be here at Christmas and this fabric would be fabulous through the chilly months
    c) i will need the diaper if i win this clutch....!

  39. I saw one of these clutches in a thrift shop over a month ago and immediately started squealing at it, and that was BEFORE I realized it was a baby diapering accessory. Then I really started drooling, but it was over $40 and had some previous owner induced imperfections, so I passed. I would dance around singing a happy song if I were given one of these. I'd even make a video of it for your blog if you wanted.

  40. Would love to give it to a single Mom at Church.

  41. Love love love the fabrics. Goes with ANYTHING!

  42. Yes please! For one thing how freaking cute is that! And what mom of 4 with one on the way doesn't need something to brighten their day once in a while!

  43. The bag is ridiculously adorable! I live in Costa Rica where the style is a bit behind in the times and if you do find something hip and chic it's super expensive. My baby girl is due in January and what a perfect accessory it would be to go with my baby Lola!

  44. P.S. I'll pay for shipping!! :)

  45. I want to be a cool mom.
    ...when I become a mom.

  46. this beautiful ppb would make any mama feel fabulous any day! i would love to feel fabulous- especially on those doubtful, not-so-fabulous-feeling days!
    thanks for the chance!

  47. This is such a great giveaway! I'm expecting my first child in March!! I think this PPB would be perfect for me! I hope I win!!!

  48. i would like to be an English-Oklahoman Mary Poppins with a wonderful carpet bag of hugeness to fill up for my amazing not so little dude who is growing like a proverbial weed!!!! This will surely be a stylish distraction in Grove Walmart, so as not to notice my hoodie which is sporting a hint of ma lil dudes lunch :)

  49. Cause it's adorable! Do I need another reason?

  50. LOVE this! And would absolutely love to tote it around this fall. This mama needs some new options in her purse collection.

  51. I have been following your blog for awhile since I was linked to it from top baby blogs. I have a wonderful little boy named Robert, 8 months. Since he was born my life has been amazing-- he is my sun, my stars, my moon, my everything. In the process, I feel like I have lost my sense of style and this clutch would help inspire and guide me back to fashion and away from holey yoga pants.

  52. "Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get but, if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
    I Really. Love.That. Bag.
    For me and my Son Case.

  53. I am STILL loving this clutch...AND making my second comment, haha. I can't help it ! It's just so pretty !! XOXO !!

  54. Increasing my odds! I dreamt about this clutch last night

  55. Oh how pretty! Well, since I have two boys under 2....I need all the organizational help I can get! The fellas have so much stuff to carry, that this would be a great (& gorgeous) help!

  56. Would LOVE to have this bag to tote around once my baby gets here in December! Love the vintage-feel to it...


  57. I'm not on the Mommytrain yet (but we're trying ;) ) so maybe that lovely carpet bag style clutch could be some good luck from a new mommy!

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  58. Love this! I need just a little bag for running out and not having to stuff everything in my own purse. It would feel so nice to have something so beautiful and stylish!

  59. I am pregnant with my first at 37 and would LOOOOOOOOVE to have this little surprise win of something for our new little person!!! I think my little person just kicked me as I wrote this :)


  60. just entering again..aaand just realized it wasnt quite midnight last night when i left a comment! So Sorry!
    i think i deserve this bag because i lived in the hospital in San Francisco for two months after my sweet baby boy was born with CDH. never had a babyshower, dont have a bag..i think thats reason enough, what do you think? Love your Blog, Love your sons Name, and I love your style. Thanks for the chane at winning:)

  61. Stopping in for another high hopes comment:)
    Would love to have this bag, too lovely!

  62. Yep, it's me again, different day ;)

  63. I definitely want this bag! I am going to comment everyday! I'm dreaming of toting this around on my shoulder!!

  64. I LOVE this Cake! However, I am not able to purchase said Cake on a social worker's budget. :( I would love to have something stylish for the babe once they arrive (we're adopting)!

  65. I voted again! :) :) :)

  66. Coming back to say 'yes please!' again :)

  67. I am so in love with these bags and with my little one coming soon, it would sure be a nice treat for this mama to be :)

  68. I want it, I want it, I want it.... PLEASE. Besides it being so pretty I am in major need of a new diaper bag.

  69. 3rd day of commenting! Is it sad that even with a sink full of dishes to wash I thought about commenting on here for this bag first!?

  70. Happy Saturday! Here' s hoping I win this beautimus bag!

  71. Just taking another shot at scoring this beauty of a bag by mentioning that, should I win, my stylishness as a mom will grow exponentially. It's way too cute for words! Pick me :)

  72. coming by again to hopefully win that beautiful bag! it would be perfect for my sons feeding tube supplies. he goes in for another surgery in 3 weeks..this win would definately put a little more pep in our step.. haha ;)
    Tylyn &baby Case

  73. Let's hear it for trying to keep your sense of style while being a mommy. I think this is just so pretty.

  74. Coming back for number three, definitely would love this to be mine :)

  75. This bag is beautiful! Thanks so much for introducing me to Petunia Pickle Bottom. It is such a elegant shop.

    I definitely need a new bag and this one would be perfect. As a new mama I am in desperate need of a little something for myself.

  76. Top of the marnin' to ya!
    votin again. ive got my hopes High on this bag. our roadtrip to SF for the Gtube surgery sure would be That much more fun with this bag!
    -Ty and Case

  77. I'm still hoping for this! So beautiful!

  78. i need a petunia pickle bottom bag! it's getting tiresome carrying two or three bags around with me everywhere we go!

  79. i need this because while I am trying to fit back into my prepregnancy cute clothes I can wear my fit-me-right-now clothes that are just the usual basics and carry this beautiful clutch and still look good!

  80. i have been eyeing these for some time now. i am pregnant again and i would so love to have this bag! i recently switched back to purses from a diaper bag and this would be the PERFECT solution. love PPB!!

  81. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Oh and by the way can I Please win? It was worth a try :)

  82. Try number 3 ;) this little bag would be such a treat!

  83. It reminds me of Mary Poppins wonderful bag of goodness, with everything she needed to make it all right! I would LOVE this adorable bag to tote my toddler's things in :)

  84. Oh, just me again...stopping by for my last shot at this lovely bag. If I would be so lucky as to win, I promise to sport its lusciousness on every possible occasion and refer everyone to your blog when they ask where I found such a treasure. Pretty, pretty please :)

  85. It is such a pretty little purse. I would use it to draw away the attention from my post pregnancy body. ;)

  86. Love to love to love that bag!
    just entering again..
    <3 Tylyn and Case

  87. One last time, thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway!

  88. Voted for ya again tonight! :) :) :)

  89. annie, you are so sweet, thank you so much. <3

  90. I love the style of Petunia Pickle Bottom, it's kinda like a old carpet bag. Lovely!!!


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