
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cloth Booty and the Milky Way

I got my baby's booty goodies!

Friday I went to an amazing store here in Charlotte called, "The Milky Way." It's a baby boutique/breast feeding/cloth diaper/baby wearing store of mommy amazingness!

My friend and fellow mom, Stephanie told me to go check it out. They have a wealth of products and TONS of information and advice for cloth diapering and breast feeding! They even offer cloth diapering classes! :) One of the gals there talked to me for over and hour helping me get a set up of cloth diapers. A couple of girl friends of mine who use cloth had given me some advice about getting started. But, when it comes to actually choosing and buying from the array of options, you can kinda feel overwhelmed (at least I did). So, it really helped me getting to glean information and advice from her.

I would highly recommend if that you are in the Charlotte, NC area, go and check out "The Milky Way" you will love it! Plus, when you are looking online at cloth diaper stuff it feels more overwhelming because you can't touch and feel stuff-there, you can put them together, try them out and see what you like at the start without purchasing anything. Makes it more fun.

Cloth diaper station at the Milky Way tons of brands and choices!

When you think "cloth diapers" you instantly get a picture of safety pins and squares of cotton wrapped and folded around a baby's butt, Mom is in the background washing out all the poop that's stuck to the fibers. Um...why are you thinking about doing that? Nasty.

I mean, why do that when you can just put a Huggie on and toss the old one? Cloth diapers have come a long way I have come to find out. Gone are the days where there is only one way to go about it. We have hybrid options now. :) Some seriously cool stuff. There isn't really one specific reason why I'm going to give cloth a shot, although there are multiple benefits you can find online like, saving you money, better health benefits for my little guys bum etc... I was freaked out by the thought of using cloth early on in my pregnancy. But, after looking into it and having friends who have done it, it has given me a little more confidence.

In the cloth world you have choices of:

basic prefolds
entire onsie cloth diapers
cloth inserts that go into umpteen different choice of covers that are for multiple uses
disposable inserts
hemp cloth
waterproof covers
snap covers
velcro covers....

um...too many choices.

I got a little bit of everything. Including, a good stock of your basic organic prefolds that I can use as basic diapers, inserts or even burp cloths. (Can't go wrong on that route.)

3 different types of covers. (2 snap size covers one by "Thirsties" another "one-size" by "Flip" and two velcro-1 by bumgenius another by thirsties.)
Covers can go over your basic prefolds or you can use the cloth inserts.

I like Thirsties brand because they have this extra lip for a more secure, non-leaking fit.

The Flip, one size snap diaper cover

The Thirsties 'snap' sizing cover (I really liked the trees)

Thirsties Velcro fit cover. (I think I'll like these better for a more fast and custom fit.)

Here is an example of the double sided inserts I got. Half Hemp, half cotton. (Hemp is more absorbent but, the cotton blend makes it more soft.) When it comes time to change, put the insert in a wet bag or washer then stick another insert in. Quick and easy.

I got some 'one use' cloth diapers, where there are no inserts. You just use the entire diaper one time. I got about 4 of these types from a couple of different companies.

I got 2 of these Kissaluvs. They are great for newborns because they have a snap down for the umbilical cord. They are SO soft! (Some people say they aren't quite as absorbent but is personal preference I'm told.)

Thirsties one use, then wash diaper. You don't need a cover or insert for these.

I'm accumulating apx. 24 prefolds (the basic, organic cotton squares of fabric that you fold and use a a diaper in and of itself, or as an insert into a cover.) To see how to use as an insert watch this vid. HERE.
I got the Bummis set up which I'm IN LOVE with!

6 inserts (will get more depending on how I like them)

4 one in all diapers

4 covers

With the variety I purchased, I'm not stuck to one method and I can find my cloth groove in the mix of it all.
Perhaps I'll like one type of method for the day time and another for the night time.
Also this way I can grow into cloth without a huge overhaul commitment to one type and expand my stock where I see fit.

I'm SO excited. I also have a beginning stock of natural Huggies and Pampers just in case myself, a relative or Sam isn't up for the unknown territory of cloth at certain points/if we are traveling... We shall see. I'm super stoked and can't wait to diaper up my baby's bum. :) I don't think I've ever looked forward to seeing a baby's butt more than I have this week! haha!

Yay for little cloth booties!


  1. I just bought the tree one ... I thought it was so cute too! I also have a pack of the Flips in moonbeam and ribbit. So not your mama's cloth diapers. These types are so hip!

  2. so excited to see which one works best for your all!:)

  3. Wow! Great wealth of info here. Thanks for making it available and in such a fun and cute way. I am seriously rethinking now about cloth diapers. Ha! Never thought that would happen. Please keep us posted on how your diaper journey goes.

  4. you are so right on with The Milky Way. It's the best place in Charlotte to go for good information AND product. I send everyone there.

  5. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you shared this information! Thank you so much! I am 4mo. preggers and your blog has provided so much insight and information. Thank you again. I definately want to cloth diaper and am much interested in your reviews on the ones you purchased :-)

  6. awww girl thanks! 4 mo.! How exciting!!! :) I'll letcha know what I think about the diapers! I just found a new kind that a friend uses and loves!


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